Wednesday 13 October 2010

Trailer Analysis The Grudge


.The trailer starts by showing a text, it says ‘Columbia pictures’ , all trailers have this to show who produces it, but in this case it will also
interest an audience as it is a renown film production company.

.The first few short shots are of city and house, this shows the
audience the environment where the film will be set,Non-Diagetic eerie sirens fade in this creates a tense atmosphere and instantly makes it clear to the audience that it is a horror movie.

.The trailer has short sentances that fade in throughout giving the audience insight into the narrative.

.The first sentance is followed by a series of very fast shots containing close ups of a scary girls face. At this point the non-diagetic sounds heighten the atmosphere with high pitched strings and sound of a woman in distress

. A voice over is then used, it is the main characters voice, she says short sentences giving us an insight to the storyline. The speed of the shots slow down while she is speaking.The eerie sirens are used when the trailer slows down.

.After another written sentence fades in the shots suddenly speed up again ,showing more scary imagery along with the the strings an sounds of malfunctioning electronics.

.Another sentances fades in and the shot
s slow down again, from here on the shots speeds alternate from slow to fast shots,the non-diagetic sound of voices and strings build up by becoming more high pitched, this alternation of shots combined with the sound building up creates alot of tension and anticipation.

. This build leads to to the scariest shot in the trailer.

I made this to show the tension levels in the trailer and to show how the builds up are effective, i believe i can learn from this and use this to structure my trailer.

There were some very nice editing techniques, the use of making the screen flash black a couple times before showing the quick scary shots, shocks and confuses the audience.

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