Tuesday 16 November 2010

Risk Assesment

There are only two occasions when we will have to take safety into account.

  • When we take a shot of a house we will have to momentarily stand in the middle of a road, for safety we will wait until there are no cars before filming and we will have two people checking for cars from each side to see if cars are coming.
  • We will also have to burn and film a small bundle of paper we will do this in an open space (parking lot) with no people, objects or cars about.

Wednesday 10 November 2010



Scene 16:

Jane whispers “There is something very strange happening in this house”

Scene 17:

The Jane says “Did you hear that”

Scene 23:

Jane says to Sebastian in a distressed voice “Who is she? What does she want? “

Scene 24:

Sebastian says to Jane “ We cant live like this.”

Scene 28:

Sebastian says to Jane “Something terrible happened in the house”

The script is short as there is not alot of speaking firstly because it is a trailer and secondly our group have agreed on the idea of less is more, so what you cant hear and what you cant see can be more scary.

Shot list

Here is our detailed shot list, we included the schedule, scene number,shot description, location, character and necessary props it is imperative we have all these details as it will help us film without any confusion and it also works as a checklist.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Task assignments 2

Once again we have had to divide the work ,it is important we do this to make the most of our time.

  • Ertan and Gramos are in charge of doing the outdoor shots
  • I am in charge of filming the shots inside the house

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Film poster

This is the film poster we have created, we chose this very simple image because it resembles the rest of our publicity campaign, it also gives a clear indication of what kind of horror film it is going to be, the idea of 'scary is what you cant see' definitely comes through in this as it is very dark and simple.

We browsed through Many fonts before choosing this one, and we only chose to use this one in the last minute, I think this is quite suitable as because it is thin and quite spaced out i think this can relate to idea of being abandoned and isolated. The scratching effect can suggest mental instability or being trapped this can closely relate to the girls mental characteristics.

Monday 1 November 2010

Our fonts

This is a list of the fonts we looked at and why we thought they would be relevant to our work.

This is the first font we chose, we liked the way it wasn't solid and it had bits coming off, but we came to the conclusion that it wasn't the right font for our trailer, Firstly because of the drips they represent blood and our trailer and our idea overall has no blood and gore in it.

The second font we chose was quite good as it was simple and slender giving as sense of isolation and slyness, but we decided it was too simple for our trailer.
This is the font we chose at the end, I think it is perfect because I beleive it represents our Antagonist and our trailer. The idea of isolation and vulnerability comes through the letters being spaced out, the lines coming off look like they have been scratched this could relate to the idea of being trapped this links to the way the girl is trapped in her house during the fire and forever after. The lines coming off can also connote some sort of mental instability as it is not all on solid letter, our character links to this as she is a crazy ghost.