Monday 1 November 2010

Our fonts

This is a list of the fonts we looked at and why we thought they would be relevant to our work.

This is the first font we chose, we liked the way it wasn't solid and it had bits coming off, but we came to the conclusion that it wasn't the right font for our trailer, Firstly because of the drips they represent blood and our trailer and our idea overall has no blood and gore in it.

The second font we chose was quite good as it was simple and slender giving as sense of isolation and slyness, but we decided it was too simple for our trailer.
This is the font we chose at the end, I think it is perfect because I beleive it represents our Antagonist and our trailer. The idea of isolation and vulnerability comes through the letters being spaced out, the lines coming off look like they have been scratched this could relate to the idea of being trapped this links to the way the girl is trapped in her house during the fire and forever after. The lines coming off can also connote some sort of mental instability as it is not all on solid letter, our character links to this as she is a crazy ghost.

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