Thursday 16 December 2010

Evaluation Question 1:In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Before doing research into similar products I thought it was important we agreed on a synopsis, my group and I liked the idea of having a little girl as the antagonist, having her as the antagonist challenges the stereotype of little girls being innocent or harmless.We based our synopsis around this character.

To create our synopsis we looked at various synopsis that had little girls as the antagonist we looked at the ring , the grudge and let the right one in, the grudge stood out as it had similar concepts to our early concepts, mainly as it was based in house haunted by the girl. I did a character profile of the grudge girl ,This was very helpful as it it enabled me to use and developed her characteristics for our Antagonist (Amy smith).

Comparison of The grudge girl / Amy Smith

. The grudge Girl was previously the victim / Amy smith was also a victim and died due to her parents not being there during the fire.

.Both characters wear a white dress/gown

.The Grudge girl holds a grudge ,therefore she terrorizes anyone in her house/ Amy Smith also holds a similar grudge because of how she died in her house, she cannot accept anyone else living in her house.

.The Grudge girl is sneaky and elusive / Amy Smith is also like this: As you can see in the pictures below

After creating a synopsis and character profile I did a detailed analysis of a few trailers, The grudge trailer was very influential once again, i believe the The grudge 1 trailer really captured the feel I wanted for mine. I liked the way tension was built in this trailer leading to the key shot at the end, to show these tension levels i made a simple graph. We tried using this graph and based our storyboard on it.

The graph above is for the tension levels in The grudge trailer and the one beneath is for the tension levels in our trailer, i think this was very effective.

The overall style we were going for definitely came through, we used the conventions of a psychological horror and adapted them to our storyline, From looking at psychological horror trailers and synopsis we gained knowledge of themes they explored, This was key as it helped us use develop and adapt themes like revenge, fear and mental instability to our trailer.

We explored various themes in our trailer, like Mental instablity, Revenge and fear. We also tried to create iconography by using the musical ballet box along with the music as Amy Smiths tool to terrorize the inhabitants of the house, we hoped this would be and interesting prop that would stick in peoples mind as it made quite an eerie sound.

We used all the basic forms and conventions in our trailer, like quick shots,High strings to build anticipation and production details but in some ways we challenged conventions of trailers, for example the shots were in chronological order and did give an insight to the story, usually people think it is better to keep it a mystery, but because our story is quite complex I thought it was important we gave a bit of insight into the plot.


Our poster adheres to the codes and conventions of posters through the use of production details, use of the title and use of a main image.

Like many other horror film posters it is quite dark not showing to much of the antagonist, I think the simplicity of our image is very effective as it is quite scary and gives a real sense of mystery. I was heavily influenced by The Rings film poster as I like its simplicity and darkness

We used white for the title as a complete contrast to the black this really made the title stand, unconventionally we avoided the use of red in our poster and trailer as we wanted our production to be quite subtle and to scare people without the use of clear violence.

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